Youth Pilgrimages

Walking and camping pilgrimages
Bishop Ruth will be leading three pilgrimages for young people during 2025. We will be walking and talking, praying and praising, enjoying hospitality and reflecting on God’s word in ancient places of worship and natural beauty.
The three pilgrimages will be in different places and for different groups of people:
- Saturday 28th – Sunday 29th June
Weekend pilgrimage walk, on the South Downs, in the Amberley – Steyning area, with overnight stay near Storrington.
For secondary school age young people - Saturday 12th July
Day pilgrimage walk, ending at the Cathedral, with supper at the Bishop’s Palace, plus optional overnight stay at the Palace.
For young adults aged 18-30 - Saturday 11th October
Day pilgrimage walk near Alfriston.
For secondary school age young people
The costs for all the pilgrimages will be kept to an absolute minimum, and bursaries will be available for any young person/young adult for whom the ticket price is prohibitive.
Further details, including how to book places, will be available in November 2024.
Interested in bringing a group of young Christians to join in?
Please register your interest HERE (select ‘Youth Pilgrimages’)
Wanting to give generously to enable young people to attend?
Thank you – please donate HERE.
If you have an up-to-date DBS and are an experienced first-aider or have relevant outdoors qualifications, or you would like to offer practical help with transport, logistics, or catering, Bishop Ruth would love to hear from you! Please click HERE (Select ‘Practical help with the Youth Pilgrimages’ ).
Register your interest in the 2025 Youth Pilgrimages
There will be three organised pilgrimages for young people taking place in 2025.
Saturday 28th – Sunday 29th June & Saturday 11th October
The pilgrimages in June and October are aimed at young people of secondary school age.
For these pilgrimages we ask that an appropriate church leader registers their interest to bring, or send, a group of young pilgrims on one of the pilgrimages. To do this please complete Form 1 below, indicating how many pilgrims from your church are interested in participating.
Saturday 12th July
The pilgrimage on Saturday 12th July is for young adults (18 – 30 years).
If you are interested in participating please complete Form 2 below.